Pilates Pre-Natal Classes

  • Course level: All Levels

About Course

Pilates Pre-Natal is one of the most appropriate ways to train during the pregnancy. Practicing Pilates may improve the physical and mental health and is the perfect antidote to some of the discomforts associated with pregnancy. Pilates exercises focus on improving the posture, alignment and body awareness, all of which all future mommies need. First thing to do before starting Pre Natal Pilates classes, is to ask your current OB-GYN doctor his written permission, even if you are healthy.


Pilates Pre-Natal is one of the most appropriate ways to train during the pregnancy. Practicing Pilates may improve the physical and mental health and is the perfect antidote to some of the discomforts associated with pregnancy. Pilates exercises focus on improving the posture, alignment and body awareness, all of which all future mommies need.
First thing to do before starting Pre Natal Pilates classes, is to ask your current OB-GYN doctor his written permission, even if you are healthy.

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1 Lessons

Pilates Pentru Gravidute

Pilates Pentru Gravidute00:47:05
80.00 lei for 1 week
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