About me

I am Mirela Olarescu and I am a certified coach in: Pilates, GYROKINESIS® method, nutrition and coaching. Holistic Wellness works on all levels: body, emotions, mind, spirit and energy.
Sport has been for a good part of my life a way of de-stressing from a hectic life. Wife, mom, working in marketing or advertising on microscopic deadlines, fitness used to be just a way to unwind. Went to all kind of classes until I decided yoga & Pilates fit me best.
I soon discovered that body and mind were not separate things! Working on my physical strength, flexibility and balance proved to be a gateway for bringing more awareness and harmony into my life. During these workout I had to concentrate, to dive inwards, to re-discover myself.
I had my first Pilates certification while still working as an Account Director in an advertising agency, in 2018. In 2019 I started Precision Nutrition Canada while getting the same certification from the local authorities.
Now that I know what you women 40+ are going through, all the stress at work and in your personal life, my aim is to guide you on your journey towards wholeness and being fully in your body. I will teach you a personalized mix of nutrition, fitness and mindfulness to support you achieve optimal health by gaining balance in all different areas of your life.
My purpose is to help women 40+ be healthy, fit and stress-free.
My aim is to bring you back to wholeness through working on your strength, balance, eating habits and mindset.
My gift to you is to be able to meet you where you are and work closely and realistically to achieve your goals and to create the life you’ve been longing for – a life with balance, harmony and freedom.
This is about you, you too deserve quality time for yourself. Also, taking care of yourself is an important part of taking care of others.
2018 – Pilates Instructor Romania
2019 – BASI Comprehensive Teacher Training (pe echipamente)
2020 – Pilates Through Pregnancy – BASI Certification
2021 – Pilates for Injuries and Pathologies – BASI Certification
2019 – Precision Nutrition 1 Canada
2010 – Nutrition Tehnician Romania
2021 – Stretching Instructor Romania
2023 – Coach Romania
2023 – Gyrokinesis® Instructor – Gyrotonic ® Certification